Example: View Transitions on Multiple Page Website

This CSS code is used in the demo, with the main layout built using Tailwind CSS.

The ::view-transition-new pseudo-element is part of the View Transitions API, which is a web platform feature that allows for smooth transitions between different states of a web page.

Purpose: The ::view-transition-new pseudo-element targets the new elements that are entering the view during a transition. This allows you to apply specific styles or animations to these elements to create a smooth and visually appealing transition effect.

You can use the ::view-transition-old pseudo-element to style the old state of an element during a transition.


                        @view-transition {
                            navigation: auto;
                        html {
                            color-scheme: light dark;
                        [data-theme='light'] {
                            color-scheme: light only;
                        [data-theme='dark'] {
                            color-scheme: dark only;
                        body::before {
                            --size: 45px;
                            --line: color-mix(in lch, canvasText, transparent 70%);
                            content: '';
                            height: 100vh;
                            width: 100vw;
                            position: fixed;
                                linear-gradient(90deg, var(--line) 1px, transparent 1px var(--size)) 50%
                                    50% / var(--size) var(--size),
                                linear-gradient(var(--line) 1px, transparent 1px var(--size)) 50% 50% /
                                    var(--size) var(--size);
                            mask: linear-gradient(-20deg, transparent 50%, white);
                            top: 0;
                            transform-style: flat;
                            pointer-events: none;
                            z-index: -1;
                        @property --column-one {
                            inherits: true;
                            initial-value: 0;
                            syntax: '';
                        @property --column-two {
                            inherits: true;
                            initial-value: 0;
                            syntax: '';
                        @property --column-three {
                            inherits: true;
                            initial-value: 0;
                            syntax: '';
                        @property --column-four {
                            inherits: true;
                            initial-value: 0;
                            syntax: '';
                        @property --column-five {
                            inherits: true;
                            initial-value: 0;
                            syntax: '';
                        @keyframes one {
                            from {
                                --column-one: 100;
                        @keyframes two {
                            from {
                                --column-two: 100;
                        @keyframes three {
                            from {
                                --column-three: 100;
                        @keyframes four {
                            from {
                                --column-four: 100;
                        @keyframes five {
                            from {
                                --column-five: 100;
                        /** This can create a sliding effect where each column appears to transition from the bottom to its respective height. **/
                        [data-style='slides']::view-transition-new(root) {
                            clip-path: polygon(
                                /*	1st column */ 0 100%,
                                0 calc(var(--column-one) * 1%),
                                20% calc(var(--column-one) * 1%),
                                20% 100%,
                                /*	2nd column */ 20% 100%,
                                20% calc(var(--column-two) * 1%),
                                40% calc(var(--column-two) * 1%),
                                40% 100%,
                                /*	3rd column */ 40% 100%,
                                40% calc(var(--column-three) * 1%),
                                60% calc(var(--column-three) * 1%),
                                60% 100%,
                                /*	4th column */ 60% 100%,
                                60% calc(var(--column-four) * 1%),
                                80% calc(var(--column-four) * 1%),
                                80% 100%,
                                /*	5th column */ 80% 100%,
                                80% calc(var(--column-five) * 1%),
                                100% calc(var(--column-five) * 1%),
                                100% 100%
                        [data-style='slides']::view-transition-new(root) {
                            --speed: 0.625;
                            --columns: 5;
                                one calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
                                    calc(sin((0 / 5) * 45deg) * var(--speed) * 1s),
                                two calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
                                    calc(sin((1 / 5) * 45deg) * var(--speed) * 1s),
                                three calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
                                    calc(sin((2 / 5) * 45deg) * var(--speed) * 1s),
                                four calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
                                    calc(sin((3 / 5) * 45deg) * var(--speed) * 1s),
                                five calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
                                    calc(sin((4 / 5) * 45deg) * var(--speed) * 1s);
                            animation-fill-mode: both;
                            animation-timing-function: linear(
                                0 0%,
                                0.0027 3.64%,
                                0.0106 7.29%,
                                0.0425 14.58%,
                                0.0957 21.87%,
                                0.1701 29.16%,
                                0.2477 35.19%,
                                0.3401 41.23%,
                                0.5982 55.18%,
                                0.7044 61.56%,
                                0.7987 68.28%,
                                0.875 75%,
                                0.9297 81.25%,
                                0.9687 87.5%,
                                0.9922 93.75%,
                                1 100%
                            z-index: 2;
                        [data-style='slides']::view-transition-old(root) {
                            animation: none;

HTML - First Page

                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html class="h-full" data-style="slides" data-theme="light">
                            your content goes here

HTML - Second Page

                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html class="h-full" data-style="slides" data-theme="dark">
                            your content goes here